Morphine Addiction Symptoms

Learn how to tackle your morphine withdrawal symptoms!

Learn how to tackle your morphine withdrawal symptoms!

Morphine, an opiate that is widely prescribed for the treatment of pain, is also highly addictive and presents many challenges to the user who attempts to quit using the drug after a prolonged period of repeat use. Many different signs and symptoms may become evident when morphine addiction begins to set in alerting the addict, their loved ones and outsiders to the idea that there may be a problem. Unfortunately, not all morphine addiction symptoms are easy to spot and sometimes, by the time the symptoms of addiction are recognized, the damage has already been done.

When a person takes morphine, either as prescribed or for recreational purposes, there is an increased risk of physical dependence which is also known as addiction. The symptoms of addiction may be mild at first but as the drug dependence continues to take over and place a burden on the individual’s day to day habits and routines, there could be many signs that quickly turn to the need for help.

The most common morphine addiction symptoms include:

  • Increased need for the drug: People who become addicted to morphine may not show many signs that they need morphine at first but as the addiction takes control they may act as if they need the drug more and more. Pain that was once manageable may become less manageable with the drug and physical symptoms of withdrawal could set in when the drug is not used or if a dose is significantly lowered.
  • Preoccupation with the drug: People who become addicted to morphine are likely to become preoccupied with the drug. The user may think constantly about his or her next dose, how he or she will find or pay for the next dose, where they can find more morphine or how they can get another script. The mind will tend to wander and the thoughts always surround the drug and the next high.
  • Lack of clean physical appearance: Morphine use can lead to a depressed state that will actually result in the user not taking care of him or herself. A clear lack of physical appearance is one of the symptoms of morphine addiction that most users don’t recognize at first but most loved ones and friends quickly come to realize.
  • Withdrawal symptoms when not taking morphine: Users who take morphine for a sustained period of time are likely to become physically dependent on the drug. This is in fact what morphine addiction really is about—a physical dependence on a drug. When morphine is not used, the user will experience morphine withdrawal symptoms which can range from mild symptoms like a common cold to severe vomiting, diarrhea and hallucinations.
  • Ill desire to spend time with friends or family members: Sometimes, morphine addiction symptoms are more related to the lack of time that is spent with loved ones than they are to the user him or herself. Many morphine addicts will stop spending time with loved ones, may change their group of friends and will not do the things that they once enjoyed as a result of the addiction.
  • Trying to quit but failing: Morphine addiction symptoms are not all about the physical challenges that come from the drug. Many users will try to quit and despite their good intentions and desire to change, they will relapse and fall back into the strongholds of drug use. Though this is not the first symptom of morphine addiction, it is a sure sign that there is a greater need for professional treatment and help.